Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Maya playing with a present from Santa

Maya opening presents at abuelo's house...

Feliz Navidad

We just want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and tell you we missed you

Chrismas Pictures

* Hint I don't know if you knew this but If the pictures are to little, you can always click on them and make them bigger
Christmas lights at the temple. Maya eating a turkey leg at Christmas dinner
En la cena de Navidad Maya comiendo su pierna de pavo

Maya & Uncles/ Maya con sus tios

Maya is a very popular girl, especially among men. Yes, her uncles can't stand a day without seeing her. If we don't go over to abuela's house during the day, we'll definitely get a call asking how Maya is doing and if they can come over to say hi to her. Maya you are really loved!! Here she's with Alain 13(upper left corner), David 22 (upper right corner) and Daniel 25
Maya es una niña muy popular, especialmente con los hombres. Si! sus tios no aguantan un dia sin verla. Si por alguna razon no los hemos ido a visitar, seguramente que recibiremos un llamada preguntando como esta Maya y si pueden venir a visitarla. Maya eres muy querida aqui ella sale con Alain 13 en la esquina izquierda, David 22 en la esquina derecha y Daniel