Wow!! Time flies!!! Maya is 8 mo. and 20+ pounds, (actually she's been that since she was 6 mos.) She eats like a little orphan girl, even though we feed her solid foods 3 times a day+ her bottles. She loves to try food. She is very curious and squirmy. I compare her to a worm covered with salt. She barely started crawling but she's very strong and did all sorts of fun stuff before figuring out crawling. She thinks she can walk, so she lets herself go like if she could.
Kevin and I follow a daily routine that keeps us pretty busy. Basically, Kevin is in school all day, working, studying, and doing homework and I take care of Maya and Lily. It's almoust impossible to get things done, but we try.
Wow el tiempo pasa volando Maya ya tiene 8 meses y pesa mas de 10 Kg. (en realidad ella a pesado mas de 10 Kg desde que tenia 6 meses). Aunque le damos de comer 3 veces al dia su comida y sus botellas cada come come si no hubiera comido nada en todo el dia. Le encanta probar comidas diferentes y si te descuidas te quita la comida de la boca. Es muy curiosa y se retuerce mucho. Yo digo que parece una lombriz con sal por que no se esta quieta. Apenas empieza a gatear pero es muy fuerte e hizo toda clase de malabares aun desde antes de gatear. Maya piensa que ya sabe caminar asi que se suelta como si de verdad supiera.
Kevin y yo seguimos una rutina diaria que nos mantiene bastante ocupados. Basicamente Kevin se la pasa en la escuela estudiando, trabajando y haciendo tareas. Mientras tanto yo me la pasa cuidando de Maya y Lili . Es imposible hacer algo con esas dos chamacas, de todas maneras seguimos tratando
Well! There you go- bringing tears to your Nana's eyes. You are growing up so Fast Maya- and Kevin- you sound so excited and it won't be long that you'll be saying "MAN! I WISH SHE WOULD STAY IN ONE PLACE!" Cute video- and priceless to Papa and me..........
Las Primas!!! I love the hug picture. Though Maya looks a little unsure of Lily's intentions.
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